Tiny Glade's latest update is broken

We verify every patch before shipping it, but it's possible that something has slipped past our tests. Apologies if that is the case.

In many cases however, it's not necessarily the new update, but something quite random. Unless you see others reporting issues with the new patch, it might be specific to your system. You can find out which is the case by launching the previous build of Tiny Glade.

Before releasing any major patch, we make the previous one available on a beta/branch on Steam. It's usually called "old_1_*", for example "old_1_10_0", where the numbers correspond to a patch version. To switch to the old build, right-click Tiny Glade in your Steam Library, then go to Properties → Betas → Beta Participation, and select the beta you'd like to test. There's usually quite a few available.

If the previous build works, but the new one doesn't, there's a good chance that we've messed up. Please let us know as soon as possible in the Steam forums.

If the previous build also exhibits the issue, it's probably not related to the new update, but some change in your system. It might well be our bug, but it could also be driver issues, Windows Update, or a number of other things. Try to remember if you've installed any new software since last running Tiny Glade - video capture and anti-virus software can often cause a mess in particular. If nothing rings a bell, consider trying the other troubleshooting steps, and if that doesn't help, please let us know in the forums.